De korte bio op de fantastisch mooie webstek van Sterrenplaten’s gast en een quote van een Skater verwoorden het helemaal:
“Lieven Martens Moana (formerly Dolphins Into The Future) is seeking for a thorough aestheticism of the impression. Using analog and digital recording techniques, he creates a form of music that refers to both ethnomusicology and to sound art or modern classical composition. Resulting in a very contemporary dialect, live usually amplified by lectures and slide projections.”
“… is a real-life Gaugain story in which his travels to the islands of Hawaii and the Azores are combined in a startling new musically poetic vision of his conversation with the other; Producer of the most hungover Corona Commerical… pulled off the air for having too many wave sounds. (Spencer Clark, 2014)”
Lieven Martens Moana, de componist en de observator, even weggeplukt bij Radio Centraal, vrijdag vanaf 9 pm
te gast in Sterrenplaten op Radio Scorpio, te beluisteren via 106fm of