buon appetito & stay safe!

release & download page
inoQuo is the project born at 2005 in Barcelona whose spirit is to be a platform to let know new talents around the world, dedicating mainly to electronic abstraction and minimal techno. They share all their releases for free download using Creative Commons licenses and make a collaboration network between artists from different disciplines. http://www.inoquo.com/index.php?lang=en
Antiritmo is a Spanish project born in 2006 whose main intention is to promote and distribute the work of new artists without any economic or commercial purpose. http://sonicsquirrel.net/detail/label/antiritmo/551 http://www.archive.org/details/antiritmo-label
Enjoy! RuE9
2Night is MUFF-time!
We're serving a double MUFF-dish this evening
This week their latest release 'Travel EP' (what's in a name this time of the year!) comes out and to celebrate this we present you a mix from Collogne the first hour folowed by a live set from Dektro…
DL the latest release @ http://www.mufflabel.be/music/artist/12
It's wednesday again…
2night xtatic is proud to present you his experiments with baldwin's new toy… Enjoy a selection from Diggarama (http://www.diggarama.com/) the first hour and Oscilator (http://www.oscilator.net) the second hour…
Greetz 'n' Beatz…